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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Jun 24, 2012

And yet, there are no dalmations. 

This is a "taking care of business" episode where we share about the Sun Wheel Pagan Arts Festival with an interview with Ed (co-owner of Where Faeries Live in Edmonton, Alberta). Mojo also interviews Thom from Raven's Call

The Feature album is no surprise as we were lucky and honoured to host Sharon Knight and Winter this last weekend for a really great concert. The album is their 2011 release, Neofolk Romantique. From that recording we hear Saucy Sailor, Song of the Wandering Aengus, and Bells of Alluria. We also hear Raven's Call with The Charge and Mojo's Solstice Day

We are going to have a quick turnaround as next week we are recording Episode 102. Keep your eyes and ears open. 

Thank for walking The Wigglian Way!