Feb 26, 2013
First, I seem to have a code in my node but that didn't stop us from making this episode. Twice. Long story, but I think Mojo covers it in the show.
Wow, did we ever have a great time at Pantheacon 2013. For anyone who missed it, we missed you, and we hope to see you next year. Both of us LOVE the atmosphere at Con. It's so us and we have so much fun.
Some of the fun we had included gorgeous ladies of music. I got to interview Wendy Rule and Sharon Knight. Together. At the same time. I was sweating (er...glowing) bullets. However, they were both so kind and so generous with their thoughts that they made it easy for me. I know you will enjoy the interview.
Wendy and Sharon both have courses that are beginning very soon. Wendy's is called Living a Life of Magic and Sharon's is The Ring of Enchantment. I am so tempted to take both these courses.
Of course, considering that they are both musicians, all our music this episode comes from Wendy and Sharon. The feature album is Live at the Castle on the Hills, by Wendy Rule. From that cd we hear Dance of the Wild Faeries, Animus, and Guided by Venus.
From Pandemonaeon we hear The Goat is on the Pole from Dangerous Beauty and The Shimmering Sheen from the album Pandemonaeon (in this song Winter does the main vocals).
We were so lucky to win a silent auction at Pantheacon for a gorgeous Grandfather drum called "SunDog". He is a beautiful and already well loved part of our coven and the rest of the group hasn't even met him! "SunDog" was created by Don Schulz who is the proprietor of The Different Drum. Thanks so much Don!
We met Dodie McKay for the first time at Pantheacon. She is a film maker and fellow Canadian. Dodie's film, The Winnipagans is on our coven movie night list, and I cannot wait to see it.
That wraps that up! Thanks for listening! Thanks for walking, The Wigglian Way.