Feb 26, 2012
There are no tears let alone 96 of them. We are so happy to be bringing you this guerilla episode of The Wigglian Way. It was a spur of the moment show and we think you'll enjoy it.
Since Episode 95 we have received more information regarding The Sun Wheel Arts Festival in Alberta. First and foremost, S.J. Tucker will be performing at the festival. Lucky Alberta and lucky us! We are going to be there too. Mojo will be performing solo and I will be recording something for the show. Alberta band Raven's Call will also be onstage and we are looking forward to that as well.
Mojo and I are both recovering from our trip to Pantheacon. In this episode we share with you all the events we attended and some of our private moments. One of the "private" moments is that we were guests on Pagan Chaos Magic with Ki'a Dragon. We are looking forward to hearing that episode and will let you know when it airs.
Lastly, we weigh in on the contraversy that has again reared it's ugly head at Pantheacon. Our point of view may not be the most popular one but it is based on our love of freedom and the right to speak.
Tonight's feature album is 2004's Sared Home by Jana Runnalls. From Sacred Home we hear Ritual, Elemental Circle and we end the show with Spirit of the Cloven Hoof.
During our second set of music we hear Jack the Cat from Trillian Green and Drowsy Maggie_Morning Invention from our good friends, Emerald Rose.
It's all about the Love. Thanks for walking The Wigglian Way!