Oct 10, 2007
The Wigglian Way welcomes you to Episode 17. A couple things
different this time out, we won't tell you everything here, you'll
have to listen. We talk about the PM's recent war on drugs
announcement and recap our day at Vancouver Pagan Pride.
Mythic Voices returns, we take a trip to ancient Sumeria,
please let us know what you think.
Our musical guests for this episode are: Charlie Murphy & Jami Sieber and we hear from Lise Thiel's
album, Journey to the Goddess. Our good friend Akasik
recorded a classic chant (Pan Odin Baphomet....) and sent us the
mp3, so we're ending the show with it.
In the month of September, we finished in the top 10 at Podcast
Alley in the Religious and Spirituality category, thank you so very
much, we are blown away. It's all about the love.......
Thank you for walking.....The Wigglian Way.