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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Mar 21, 2007

Welcome to Episode 5 of The Wigglian Way. In tonight's episode, we talk to LM; HPS of the Caer Saren Tradition; about her journey along the path. In the final segment, we interview LM as a HPS and get tips on the not always glamorous job of running of a group.

Tonight's music is brought to us by Chalice and Blade,

Mar 7, 2007

Welcome to Episode 4 of The Wigglian Way. Tonight, we try out the new Wigglian Way Studio, that's right, the new gear is here. In this episode, Sparrow and Mojo talk about a recent initiation, Ostara and being 'Witchier than Thou".

From our first featured musical artist, Michelle Mays, we play Persephone and The...