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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

May 27, 2008

Hail and welcome, fellow Wigglians. We're glad that you've taken the time to stop by, thank you so much for listening to the show!

Tonight, Sparrow adds a little icing to her 101 Element Cake and Mojo answers Tommy Elf's latest question about Myth and Storytelling. We also read listener emails.

It's an all Canadian...

May 27, 2008

Summer is a coming and we're loving it here at The Wigglian Way. We've had an extended Beltaine season here on the coast, but now we're already looking forward to Litha.

Tonight's show, we catch up a bit before we dive into some emails. Got the pagan blues? You're not alone and we try and help out a bit. We also have...

Happy Victoria Day!

May 16, 2008

From all of us at The Wigglian Way, we hope that you enjoy your long weekend. We'll be back after the holiday.

Thanks for walking.....The Wigglian Way.

May 5, 2008

Welcome to Episode 28, we're so glad that you are here. Thank you for listening to the show, taking the time to email, vote and comment.

Tonight, we answer some listener email, Sparrow concludes her journey through the elements and we try out a new segment, 'Big Name Pagan'.

Musically we hear from Chalice and Blade...

May 3, 2008

Come, it is time to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.

Hail and welcome, fellow Wigglians! Happy Beltaine, one and all! Thank you so much for downloading our little show. Tonight, it's all about The Wicker Man. The Wigglian Way would like to thank Lord SummerIsle and all the inhabitants of SummerIsle for...