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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Nov 7, 2013

Holy Smoly, what a ride it has been!

Hey everyone, just a quick update to let everyone know that we are still here. Thank you for staying subscribed!

You Rock!

It's All About the Love!

Sep 5, 2013

AND...We're back, and a bit silly. 

Thank you all for being so patient and supporting us through these difficult times. In this episode we catch you all up with what's been happening in our lives. There is a very happy announcement that we make in this episode about a friend and TWW contributer (actually, a bit closer...

Jul 13, 2013

We've come to the end of our hiatus. Thank you for all your kind words and the love that you sent while we have been going through this difficult time. Your love and support has meant so much to Mojo and I. 

The Wigglian Way missed Pagan Values month but we did want to weigh in, so in this episode we talk about...

May 29, 2013



We are back with a guest, special prizes, and some great new music!

Our friend Ed, from Sun Wheel Pagan Arts Festival and the Edmonton store Where Faeries Live, came for dinner. He helped us inaugurate our new bbq grill and stayed for an interview. Ed tells us what we can expect at this year's...

Mar 24, 2013

I can't believe he called me a "geeky dork" just because I like a certain board game. Hmmpfft! 

That's all right though because this episode rounds out our un-official Ember Days Musical Ladies series which was a two part series. Mojo sat down with Bekah Kelso to talk about her career and Ember Days the Movie, Thank you...