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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

Dec 22, 2008

Yippee Yule everyone! We decided to do a quickie Yule show on Yule eve proper, so here ya go! Tonight we hear music from Lisa Thiel, Inkubus Sukkubus, and Chalice and Blade.

Please have a safe holiday, be careful out there! Thanks for everything that you do for us, we love you and you know.......

It's all about the...

Dec 13, 2008


Hail Wigglians! Thanks so much for downloading the show. After a month away, we're back in the saddle!

Tonight prompted by some listener email, we talk about herbology and inter faith-marriages. Two of the links that were used for reference are here and here.

Tonight's feature album is Metamorphoses by Seattle based