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The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast

May 15, 2023

Happy Mother's Day to all the Wigglian mom's out there! We don't care if your a mom, step mom, foster mom, furry mom or team mom, Happy Mother's Day!

On today's show we sit down with Mama Gina to talk about her journey to the Red Album.

Speaking of which, the Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights is now available for pre-sale on bandcamp. On today's show we hear the three songs that are available when you order the Red Album.

How Dare You - Crow Women

Revolution - Mama Gina

Devil at the Door (clean version) - SJ Tucker

We also hear Mama Gina's newest song, New Religion. You can check Mama Gina's music here.

It's All About the Love!